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Spanish Program

Spanish Language & Culture

Learn not only the Spanish language but also the culture!


Spanish Plan Objective

The main goal of this program is to develop the four basic linguistic skills:

  • Auditive Comprehension (listening)

  • Oral Production (speaking)

  • Reading Comprehension (reading)

  • Written Production (writing)


➤ These skills will provide the necessary competences in order to students can interact in an Spanish-speaking environment.


➤ This learning process will be accompanied  by a practical grammar necessary for the students to express properly.

Course Description

Regardless of the language level the student is in -Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced or Conversational- the courses will immerse him or her directly into the Spanish culture through the Art, Music, Cuisine, History, Geography, Customs, and Traditions, considering the needs and demands of the students and respecting the rhythm of learning.


The Spanish language will be not only the goal but also the means of communication.  For this reason the teacher will use techniques essential and effective so that the student learns quickly, developing his potential to the maximum.


The teacher will use different didactical material as books, cds, songs, readings, videos, newspapers, internet, movies, etc., depending on the level of the course.


Course Program

The whole program include twelve (12) Spanish language & culture courses.  Each course lasts sixty (60) hours.


  1. The Beginner Levels (1-2) are intended for those without previous knowledge of the Spanish language.

  2. The Elementary Levels (3-4) are intended for those people who already have  a basic preparation and want to continue or close to the language and culture.

  3. The Intermediate Levels (5-6) are intended for those who already have a good preparation and want to strengthen their knowledge, which will allow them to interact more with a native speaker.

  4. The Independent Levels (7-8) are intended for those students who want to interact effectively with people who speak Spanish (native or not).

  5. The Advanced Levels (9-10) are intended for those who already have a strong preparation and want  to expand their knowledge speaking fluently and spontaneously.

  6. The Proficient Levels (11-12) are intended for those who want to go beyond the knowledge of the language, immersing themselves in the vast Spanish and Latin America culture through the Literature, History, Cinema, etc.



The program described above may have some changes depending on the learning times and dedication of each student.

It should be remembered that the learning process is very personal depending of the cultural background, abilities and competences of each individual.

Conversation Courses

The conversation courses are proposed for those who have acquired an advanced or proficient levels and want to keep the Spanish language alive inside them.  

Considering the personal, intellectual or work demands of the student, these courses can cover any subject within an Spanish scope.  The teacher will work specific topics with the student using a related vocabulary.


Didactic Methodology

Since the beginning levels the teacher will speak and explain the class in Spanish for students to become familiar with the language immediately.

Proficiency Level

The teacher will evaluate your Spanish proficiency level according to the following framework:


➤ A1 Beginner:

  • Understands familiar Spanish expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of concrete needs.

  • Can introduce him/herself and answer questions about personal details such as the place of residence and belongings.

  • Can hold a simple conversation in Spanish if the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.


➤ A2 Elementary:

  • Understands frequently used expressions related to areas of immediate relevance like personal and family information.

  • Can communicate in routine situations requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar matters.

  • Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and immediate needs.


➤ B1 Intermediate:

  • Understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in everyday situations.

  • Can deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling in an area where Spanish is spoken.

  • Can produce simple, connected text on topics that are familiar or of the personal interest.

  • Can describe events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and briefly give explanations for opinions and plans.


➤ B2 Independent:

  • Understands the main ideas of complex Spanish text on both concrete and abstract topics.

  • Interaction with native Spanish speakers can happen with fluency and spontaneity and without strain for either party.

  • Can produce clear text on a wide variety of subjects and expose a point of view given the various options.

➤ C1 Advanced:

  • Understands a wide range of demanding, longer Spanish texts, and recognizes implicit meaning.

  • Can express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions.

  • Can use Spanish flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes.

  • Can produce detailed, well-structured text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns and connectors.


➤ C2 Proficient:

  • Easily understands virtually everything heard or read in Spanish.

  • Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources and reconstruct arguments in a coherent presentation.

  • Express him/herself spontaneously, fluently and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in complex situations.




Interested in this course?

➤ Tell the teacher about you or your group

➤ Book your own classes

➤ Learn at your own pace

➤ Enjoy learning a necessary language

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